Import & Compare SAE Datasets from any DB

Import SAE Datasets from any Clinical or Safety database and compare data from as many sources as needed, even within the same single database.

eReconciliation® can integrate or import Safety Data form any source system and as many as needed so that you have an electronic pharmacovigilance reconciliation solution customized to your own situation even in the most heterogeneous scenarios.

Do you need to reconcile other information than safety data or to verify multiple instances of data within a single database? Ethical’s eReconciliation® software solution allows for a maximum of flexibility, allowing even to check the consistency of data within a single database regardless of the type of data (pharmacovigilance reconciliation or any other data type reconciliation). 

Import and Compare any SAE Datasets


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eReconciliation® features: Find and Link Groups of related SAE Records

Create groups of Safety Data Records for your clinical reconciliation and select which data items to include in each group; decide if you need a complete match or what discrepancies are acceptable...

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eReconciliation® features: Manage Reconciliation Operations with Workflows

The eReconciliation® software solution offers operational features that help manage all Safety Data Reconciliation-related operations such as task assignment and workflow, with helpful functionalities in case of staff turnover and outsourcing.

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SAE Reconciliation Process Checklist Download

Download a checklist that describes every step of the SAE Data Reconciliation Process. This is an essential document for all Pharmacovigilance professionals to better plan and manage the AE Reconciliation operations at their studies.

SAE Reconciliation ChecklistREAD MORE